
Thursday, 24 January 2019


Here are some fun facts about Eagles

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nia-Jaye!

    Oooooo I like that you picked eagles - This was really interesting to read! I don't know much about eagles so it was good to get a bit of an overview. :)

    I can't believe that there are 60 different species!!
    That is a lot of different eagles! I wonder which one is the biggest/most ferocious!
    My brother once showed me a video of an eagle picking up a goat off of a mountain and flying away with it! I couldn't believe it ...I didn't think that they would be that strong!

    That's really interesting about their eye's too! Thats some really impressive site :)

    Thank you for sharing your information on eagles Nia-Jaye, I learnt a lot of new information which was really cool.

    Nga mihi,
    Ellee :)
