
Tuesday, 22 January 2019

How long will it take for a class to get clean! S,L,J

The Question: Let’s imagine that we tested the air in your classroom and found 7 different kinds of mould. Eek! The cleaner says that it takes 5 days for each mould to be eradicated (removed). If the school had to remove each mould one at a time, how long would it take to remove all the mould from the classroom?

Simple way 7x5=35 πŸ‘

Or the long way:πŸ•΅
There's a class that has 7 air moulds and it takes 5 days to get 1 air mould out.
 Days Moulds
5 1
10 2
15 3
20 4
25 5
30 6
35 7

That is 2 ways I found out the answer
πŸ‘ πŸ‘πŸ‘✔️

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ni-Jaye!

    Oh easy peasy!! What a mathmetician! :)
    I like that you have explained how you got the answer so thoroughly! Well done :)
    Do you enjoy maths in school?
    What is your favourite subject?

    Imagine if this did happen - a whole extra month off of school!
    Would you like that or are you looking forward to going back?
    I used to love the school holidays, I never wanted to go back to school (even though I didn't mind school) - It was always nice to say hi to my friends but after that I wanted to be back on holiday! :)

    Hopefully you are looking forward to this year at school Nia, I am sure your teachers have some amazing things planned already!

    Nga mihi,
    Ellee :)
